Raising the efficiency of the college's employees, employees and administrators through workshops, lectures and seminars in various scientific and practical fields.
Cooperation and partnership in the various specialized experiences from all faculties and highlighting them voluntarily and periodically to spread the benefit to the
employees of the college in particular and the employees of King Khalid University in general.
Listing the needs of faculty members and female employees, in terms of training, partnership, and educational and research cooperation, which can be provided by all members in the departments of the college and from outside to support the process of developing the faculty’s employees in the various specialized fields in particular, and the university’s employees in general in the event that training courses are available to the rest of the colleges.
Providing courses, seminars, and scientific and training lectures by employees in the various departments and administrations of the college.
Providing courses, seminars, and scientific and training lectures by members of different colleges at King Khalid University within the framework of community partnership.
Encouraging the participation in presenting scientific and training courses, seminars, and lectures by faculty members, female employees, and administrators in the college.
Implementing what is referred by the Dean of the College to the unit, submitting appropriate proposals or taking appropriate decisions within the limits of the powers granted or delegated by the authority in writing.
Constructive cooperation and coordination with the Deanship of Human Resources represented by the Human Resources Development Department regarding the training plans that are implemented in the college.
Implementation of referrals received from the Deanship of Human Resources / Human Resources Development Department / Staff Skills Development Department through the Dean of the College regarding the training plans and programs proposed by the Unit and presented by the College's employees, including members and administrators.