About the collage

Mailbox: 76

Postcode: 61956

Telephone:  0172416111


Direct phone to Executive Director office:  0172416111

Executive Director ext : 6118

Executive Director email address : salhydr@kku.edu.sa

Executive Director CV:  Click here


Executive Director Word :

As the Dean of our esteemed educational institution, I am pleased to share our institution's vision and mission, which serve as our guiding principles in achieving academic excellence.First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the grace of God and express my gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us. We must never forget to pray for the most honorable of the prophets and messengers, our Master and Prophet Muhammad; upon him be the best prayers, and peace be upon him. The educational system we have established plays an essential role in the formation of the future of our kingdom. We know that teaching our students how to become successful and responsible members of society is a challenging endeavor, particularly given the fast-paced nature of the world in which we now exist. Therefore, we strive daily as a unified team to achieve our college's vision of providing an environment that promotes creativity and innovation, breaking away from traditional teaching methods, and adopting a dynamic style that encourages interaction between students and professors. We use e-learning in a modern and exciting manner, giving our students a learning experience that is both entertaining and beneficial; this has the potential to transform how we teach and learn.The ambition of our college stretches well beyond the confines of our institution and is in line with the Saudi Vision 2030, a national project that has won the affection of our younger men and women. The goal of this vision is to construct an economy in Saudi Arabia that is diversified and sustainable, giving every person the ability to make their dreams and aspirations come true. Every Saudi citizen has the opportunity to succeed and, in turn, contribute to the expansion and development of the kingdom if significant economic and social changes are implemented.We place a high value on performance, creativity, and diversity as we work toward realizing the goal of our institution and making a positive contribution to the broader vision of the country. We make it a priority to cultivate an atmosphere that inspires imaginative and analytical thought as well as sensitivity to other cultures. Our faculty members are highly qualified and passionate about their fields of expertise. They are dedicated to providing our students with an education of the finest quality that will adequately prepare them for whatever the future may hold.We are confident that the people of Saudi Arabia are the driving force behind the country's ongoing transformation, and we recognize that the contributions of every person are essential to the success of the Vision 2030 initiative. As such, we are devoted to educating our students with the required skills and knowledge to flourish in a fast-changing world, helping them to become responsible and independent citizens.In conclusion, I extend my sincerest thanks to King Khalid University for its tireless efforts in promoting education and ensuring that our students receive the best possible education. We continue to be committed to our institution's vision and the process of coordinating our objectives with those of the Saudi Vision 2030 project. Together, we will be able to create a better future for our kingdom and provide the people of Saudi Arabia with the tools they need to make their ambitions a reality.
Thank you.

Executive Director of the Applied College , Rijal Al-Amaa

Dr. Siham Mousa Alhaider

Academic departments and programmes

The Applied College at King Khalid University offers diploma degrees in 3 programs. Below is a list of academic departments and associated programs.

Departments :

  • Computer and Information system
  • Management Science

Academic programs:

  • Applied accounting
  • Business management
  • Web and mobile application




Our location
College facilities
Facilities Code


Activity stage


Prayer room


Training hall


Computer lab


Computer lab


Computer lab


Computer lab


Computer lab


Computer lab


E-learning lab

E-learning lab

E-learning office
