This unit is interested in following up the affairs of graduates, seeking to find job opportunities compatible with their specializations and skills, and identifying the reality of their performance in the functional fields.
The vision of the alumni unit is focused on supporting and promoting the provision of the local Saudi and international community with distinguished graduates scientifically, professionally, and in research, in order to achieve excellence in the university.
The message:
The message of the Alumni Unit at the College of Science and Arts in Rijal Al-Ma’a, King Khalid University, aims to establish distinguished and continuous relations between the graduates, the university, and the local Saudi and international community. The unit works to support the quality, skill and reliability of university graduates. The alumni unit achieves this through contacts, permanent interaction, and training programmes. The alumni unit also achieves these goals by devising renewable means that help in achieving the mission and the continued success and progress of the university.
Measuring the level of satisfaction of graduates.
Documenting communication with graduates and relevant institutions.
Contributing to preparing graduates for the labor market; By raising their efficiency and refining their skills through a set of distinguished training programmes.
organization of a career day; To achieve effective communication between graduates and community institutions.
Informing the graduates of what is new in the academic and research aspects within the college.
Surveying the opinions of graduates and beneficiaries.
Strengthening the relationship with graduates to benefit from their experiences in developing academic, research and training plans.
Preparing the unit's quarterly and annual reports.
Joining the University Alumni Association:
King Khalid University, represented by the Alumni Unit, has announced the start of receiving applications to join the University’s Alumni Association. The university offers it the use of its scientific and cultural facilities, and works to develop their abilities and train them to qualify them for the labor market.
The university invited those wishing to join the association https://alumni.kku.edu.sa
Alumni Association on Twitter : https://twitter.com/alumnikku
Unit supervisor : Dr. Munya Alrasi
Email Address: marasi@kku.edu.sa