Leadership and excellence in community service according to the principles of comprehensive quality.
Strengthening the relation between the college and the society through establishing an effective entity that contribute to introducing a varied and distinct programs that contribute to meeting the needs of the local, regional and international community in light of competitive quality and the creation of effective community partnerships.
Strategic Goals:
The first strategic goal: developing and activating community services.
The second strategic goal: Building partnerships with the local, international and regional community.
The third strategic goal: Awareness and perception of the importance of the real communication between the college and the external community ,among the college's employees and other people in the society.
The fourth strategic goal: Supporting and developing the initiatives of the college employees in community service.
Performance indicators
The number of societal needs in the external environment that can be provided by the college departments
The number of scientific, technical and training consultations provided by the college to the community
The number of faculty members who participated in providing community services, and their percentage of the total faculty members in the college annually.
The number of events that the college holds annually with external parties in the community.
The number of students, faculty members and employees in the college who participated in volunteer work serving the community annually.
The percentage of satisfaction of the beneficiaries of the commission.
Implementing a number of training courses on a regular basis aimed at developing community members’ skills in (technology - professional ethics - management - total quality ..... and others), where the number of recipients in each training course is about 300 participant.
Creating a database for community groups in the Tuhama region.
Conducting a referendum on the public needs (training - functional - financial).
Activating volunteering work among the community members in Tuhama region.
Establishing a community partnerships with each of the Community Service Center in Rijal Al-Ma'a - and the Educational Administration in Rijal Al-Ma'a province - the hospital in Rijal Al-Ma'a province - the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in Rijal Al-Ma'a Governorate - Family Development Association in Abha.